; thought this was hilarious! I saw something similar online and just had to try it.
Everyone loves hot chocolate with whip cream, marshmallows and sprinkles.
So why not make it fun? you will need; a cup of hot chocolate, whip cream, sprinkles (I used snowflake shaped), edible ink and some marshmallows.
Paint on faces like so
Make extra friends and save for later.
To make the foamy hot tub, add whip cream to the hot chocolate sprinkle in the snow flake toppings and then insert the snowmen. Don't they look relaxed?
If you are looking for a cute, cheap and creative gift for someone, you just might like this "sock cupcake"
I saw something similar with cupcake liners but I have no idea how people can get a pair of socks to fit in one.
Its the season for coffee, and that gave me an idea. I would try to make a sock cupcake, using those adorable Starbuck cozies and stirrers.
So I went to Walmart, picked out some very cute cozy socks. Then I headed out to Starbucks, bought gift cards and just took some of their cozies and stirrers.
You can either take off all the tags from the socks or leave them on. for this one, I left the tags on.
Roll the socks
and stuff it into the cozie
Stick the stirrer into the cupcake like so
Isn't it cute? its the Starbucks mermaid
wrap it up with a piece of clear wrap. I got my roll at Micheals with a 40% off coupon ;)
Tie it with some ribbon and then punch a whole in the gift card envelope.
Slide the gift card into the ribbon and tie a bow
Tada! a Starbucks sock cupcake with gift card. Now, who wouldn't want one of these?
They did, I can't believe it. I helped the kids make a gingerbread house. I had bought the package last year after Christmas because it was on super sale. I figured it would be Ok since we would not think of eating the house. Its meant for display is it not?
Well I was wrong. The day after making the darn thing the kids ate it! I was in my room vacuming my bed after Sophie spilled a whole bag of shreded cheese on it and when I came back into the living room, I found all 3 kids eating away at the house :(
I didn't even get a good picture of the final project. I was so mad I called Joe to tell him how pissed I was and all he did was laugh. I guess its kind of funny now but I was fuming when it happened.