We loaded up the family and made it a family vacation.
We stopped at Mount Rushmore

The black hills and stayed in a really cute hotel in the area. It was off season in May so it was near empty and most shoppes were closed.

Haha, Evie posing with the dog food and the towel swan on the bed

We ate so much on our trip,

Got to taste buffalo burgers. One of my favorite dishes was a buffalo salad with Indian bread.
What I found more impressive than Mount Rushmore was the Crazy Horse Monument.

Its not complete but this is what it will look like when its done, estimated finished date is 2024.

The head of Crazy Horse will be 87 feet high; by comparison, the heads of the four U.S. Presidents at Mount Rushmore are each 60 feet high.
"My lands are where my dead lie buried."
was once said by Crazy Horse, an Oglala Lakota warrior.
The kids favorite stop was the Reptile Garden.

OMGosh! poor chicken. They put this chicken in a box and for a quarter you get to ask her a question. what the quarter does is release food on the yes or no area and that makes the chicken answer your question.

It was a long trip but we made it an adventure. I just love road trips!