Its amazing on what was considered a "good" cake back then. Even if I could replicate it exactly I'm sure it would be sadly featured on Cake Wrecks. For example
These were thought to be good enough to be featured on this book
This one is plain scary
Although the "Old lady in the shoe" cake is kind of cute, notice the plastic babies on the outside. hahaha
It also has recipes and ideas for cookies, take a look, because I'm so immature LOL
Got a child's cook book "Better Homes and Gardens Junior Cook Book"
some of the illustrations are pretty interesting, check out the cucumber clown?
Another neat dessert book with recipes from many woman from the "Garden Club"
Many interesting recipes such as "mayonnaise cake" that actually sounds kind of good if you ask me.
My favorite find was this one
It has many party ideas for just about any occasion.
And to go with all my vintage cake and cook books I found vintage Strawberry Shortcake oven mitts and a metal cake carrier
Neat huh?