The cupcake toppers, Banner, napkin wrappers and party hats were designed by
DewDropDigitals. She does a wonderful job. She will custom make anything you need.
The paper retro straws were from
The Happy Birthday girl
Everything was kept soft and femenine
for activities we did some coloring
the candy wrappers and water bottle wrappers can be printed out for free at
Isn't this kitten adorable? found her at the thrift store along will all the white milk glass
decided on a pink ruffle cake got the instructions on , Yellow cake with creamcheese icing
cotton candy and another thrift store kitty. This one is musical and moves to the lullaby
Got the pink kitties at Target they were half off after Valentine's replaced the heart candies with a bag of frosted animal crackers.
don't they remind you of kitten paws?
I made this dress last year for Sophie. It fits Evie perfect
taking in all the goodies.
Making a wish
Storytime with Daddy
Wow...what a beautiful did an awesome job. I am a fellow GF (lets_pretend). I love your blog. I am a new blogger too...Hope you will check my blog out too.
LOVE the theme....very original! That cake looks Fired UP...I just want to lick it :) found your blog on GF by the way. Will definitely be checking back!
thanks Shara :)
this party is awesome! Love all the details. Very original...It looks like you all had a great time!!!!!! Great job!
Hi there, so cute! I have been searching for vintage kitten parties for my little girl who is turning 3! This is only the second I have come across . . . just curious where you got the hat and all the prints you used for the napkins holders and the banner? Would love feedback! Thanks! :)
Hi Annie, sorry for the late reply, I just got internet back since moving. The prints and hats and napkin holders were designed by DewDropDigitals. thanx for looking :)
Would it be possible to purchase that dress that you made for our almost two year old? She woul love it for her upcoming birthday in early December! I love what you did for the party.
Kristen in Oregon
thank you, I think I still have it, email me at
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