We had a wonderful Irish feast today. My Mother in Law Edie was over and she always helps with the meal. She makes the best blarney stone cookies ever!
Found some info on our family last name:
The surname Flynn/Flinn comes from the Irish clann name O'Flynn who in ancient times were chiefs in the area known as Munster.
Pretty cool huh? :)
We had the traditional Irish meal of corned beef and cabbage. My kids LOVE cabbage. That's mostly what they ate today.
I tried to ice a shamrock cake but it kept looking like a round cake. I finally gave up and used my fondant. Yayyy for fondant, It was a white cake filled with pistachio pudding. very tasty if I do say so myself.
I decorated it with skittles, taste the rainbow!
Best cookies ever! I swear these things are addicting. I'll have to post the recipe
I also made lemon cupcakes, I got this tea cup and saucer at a garage sale long time ago when we were living on the border of KY and TN. Gosh I miss the south.
Green mashed potatoes
corned beef.
Home made rolls.
and my kryptonite, watercrest salad.
And the family
Bonus pic of me that the hubby took.
Everything looks yummy. And you look great..love the pea coat!
Wow! You better start the cardio. All that looked super Yummy! great pics too. Love the kids st pattys attire.
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