I took the kids to the park for a Halloween photoshoot
Red Riding hood

Little Witch



We did not trick or treat because Joe had to go to work tonight so we just went to the party at our apartment complex, It was really neat, they had a costume contest and Evie got first place in her pirate costume

She kept going up to people and saying she was captain hook but they did not understand her, they though she wanted a "hug" so everyone would give her a hug LOL! so they called her "captain hug" she won a bucket full of candy, toys and and a blu ray movie (Shrek forever after) to bad we don't own a blu ray player. Sophie got a bucket full of candy, toys and a DVD (Nanny Mcphee) Nick got a bucket of candy and toys. There were not alot of kids there so they tried to give everyone a prize.

Well, they also had a pumpkin carving contest that both Nick and I entered. Turns out we were the only ones who entered so we won dinner and movies for two.
And of course, its not Halloween without the classic "Its the great pumpking Charlie Brown"

plus our Papa Murphy's Jack o Lantern Pizza

Happy Halloween
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