here's a picture after he visited
Nick and Sophie made the Easter Bunny E.B at Build a Bear. They made him the day we went to go watch HOP.
Sophie's Basket
and Nick's
I got each kid a shirt. Ugh, notice all the Uhaul boxes in the background. We STILL have not finished unpacking.
We usually have a big Easter lunch at home but since it was just us here and at the moment the kitchen is full of boxes, We headed out to Cracker Barrel! I LOVE this restaurant. I have not been to one since I was living in Kentucky/Tennessee. Gosh I miss living in the South. If I could move back anywhere in the US it would either be back to Southern California or KY/TN.
Here's Nick sharing his ice cream with Sophie :)
After a nice hearty Brunch we decided to go exploring. We ended up at the Tohono Chul Park Gardens. It was hot and almost every plant was prickly. TOTAL opposite of the Oregon Gardens.
I thought it was adorable that some cactus were shaped like hearts
It was nerve wrecking walking around the gardens. I thought that at any moment one of the kids would fall onto a cactus. If that was not bad enough we were met by these signs
We saw some of these tiny endangered fish in the stream
My sweet little Evie
Nick made the observation that the cactus looked like it was wearing a crown
The meditation garden
Evie ringing the wind chimes
Sundial. It was 1 O'clock
Desert rose
The kids area. They were given little wooden "boats" to float down the fountains
The kids were hot and tired after our visit.
I did have time to make Easter treats. I made yellow cake cupcakes. frosted them and then used really cute sprinkles called "Easter egg hunt" It looks like grass and colorful Easter eggs scattered all over the cupcake. I then topped it with a Bunny shaped marshmallow.
super cute
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