Sunday, April 3, 2011

My first basket weave cake

I had tons of problems with this cake. I could not level it to save my life and when I added the filling, I added to much and the top layer kept sliding off, It was a yellow cake filled with pistachio pudding, the pudding kept seeping out onto the white buttercream icing. I was more than happy to cover it up with a basket weave technique.

see, its not so bad now.




It had like a 2 inch layer of icing! The sucker was heavy.


Mayra Martinez said...

Dude this is awesome...straight out of martha stewart.

pink pixie cakes said...

thanx, I'll show you how to make one next time I see you

Shara said...

Holy snikeys! I have no patience for these type of things so I am super impressed right now!